About Us
Let's talk about {healthy, empowering, life-enriching} sex, baby.
We believe sex education and empowerment are vehicles for peace...
Peace that starts within yourself, extends out to your partner(s) and continues to expand out into our communities and world.
Because when we are not sexually repressed, depressed or suppressed we can more fully and honestly express our full, sexual selves.
You are invited to command your sexual story—your sexual biography—and participate in living and sharing this peace.
Peace via sex education?
By sex education we don't just mean the how-to's, we mean discussion and education beyond the bedroom. How sex and sexuality are addressed globally comes back to affect each of us—through our bodies and mentalities and, therefore, our bedrooms—and it must be discussed.
What is a sexual biography?
Think of it this way: It is common—and often encouraged—for us to reflect upon our education, career, what we eat, how we look…even looking after our mental health is becoming more socially accepted and expected. But reflecting on and caring for our sexual health? That’s where your sexual biography comes in.
Your sexual biography is you empowering yourself to take care of and command of whatever you consider sex and your sexuality. It’s you making the time to take notice, and care if needed, of your sexual experiences—what you love, what you don’t like, what you fantasize about, what you need, what you desire.
Just as a food diary or meditation practice is recommended to help you recognize, pay attention to, or release out of or into habits, setting the intention to reflect and command your sexual biography—your sexual story—is vitally important.
We see a future where through the removal of shame and fear around sex and sexuality each of us will live more authentic, peaceful lives. My Sex Bio hopes to be one of many platforms that disseminates this message and the education and resources needed to ignite a 21st-century sexual reclamation.
You are invited to start your own reclamation by taking command of your sexual biography. Educate yourself. Empower yourself and your community. Give your sexual story reflection and know that YOU are in control.
Action to take command of your sex bio looks like:
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