Support a sex-positive future.

As of today, My Sexual Biography is
a 100% grassroots project.

My Sexual Biography Inc is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

Your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law.

We are funded purely by small-dollar donations from people like you.
In order to make this project sustainable, however, we need more help.

Please consider contributing what you can, via any of the support options below.

Ways to Support

My Sex Bio Patreon

Join our Patreon community to support our cause while earning tons of awesome perks.


With a one-time donation or recurring, easily support sex-positive education using PayPal! Credit Cards and PayPal balances accepted.



Passionate about growing an inclusive, sex-positive world and want to donate your skills? Let’s talk!


My Sex Bio Studio

All workshops are by-donation, with a low-cost recommendation. Explore our current listing to see what speaks to you!