Friday Five: Temple

Whether or not you subscribe to a particular belief system—spiritual, religious or ideological—you can channel your sexual energy toward creative birthing.

Keep reading for 5 ways to prepare your body for sex magick.

  1. Empower

Unfortunately, many of us are raised to believe that our genitals are unattractive. We hyper-sexualize the female body—round breasts and curvy hips are romanticized yet the vulva is obscene. “Beautiful” is determined by the standards of the time—social silliness that is insignificant to your relationship with your body. A Greek sculpture of the goddess Aphrodite in the 17th century depicts a more natural-looking, realistic female form. Accepting and feeling confident in your unique sculpt will lead to more satisfying, present and ecstatic sexual experiences.

“In sex magick, the body “is the temple in which the divine is worshiped, and the genital area is the altar.”

A Collection of Sacred Magick

2. Pelvic Power

Strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor can help you connect and maximize your level of sexual arousal.

By deliberately contracting your pelvic floor muscles, erections will be stronger, while erotic sensations and orgasms in both men and women will be intensified.

To find these muscles, try to stop the flow of urine when you’re sitting down to pee. Only do this to feel the muscles—doing this too often could lead to infection.

Cleveland Clinic also advises women to, “insert a finger into your vagina and squeeze the muscles in your vagina around it. You should feel pressure around your finger.” Once you can feel these muscles, you can do kegel exercises- contracting and releasing while breathing.

3. Breathe

Conscious direction of the breath is key in sex magick.

To activate your sexual center, use a kegel contraction motion to breathe in from your genitals and lift the air up the front of your body into your belly and lungs while straightening the spine. Exhale and push the air down your spine and back into your pelvic area.

If you’re with a partner, you can circle energy.

“The active partner inhales through the nose and exhales through the genitals, while the receptive, or other partner inhales through the genitals and exhales through the nose.”

Collection of Sacred Magick

4. Tantric Touch

Stimulate physical arousal in the body with pleasure touching.

One technique is slow, light touch, gently caressing the body with your fingertips. Also contrasting touch—pressing firmly into the body then going back to very soft touch.

These simple touch techniques invoke particular enjoyment when exploring the erogenous zones. Feel yourself and your partner(s) body, with eyes closed as if your fingers were drawing visuals of their body in your mind. Touching is not inherently sexual, you can practice this anytime, in little playful moments throughout the day.

5. Compassionate Self-Talk

Sex and Intimacy Coach Cherie Hamilton recommends a practice beginning with writing down at least five key things you love about yourself to raise awareness of your value to yourself and to others. Keep this note in your bathroom to glimpse before you bathe.

While bathing or showering you can visualize the water washing off all mental, emotional and physical dirt.

You could also gently exfoliate and massage your skin by mixing a tablespoon of honey with a cup of used coffee grounds and rubbing it on your body. Continue repeating the loving thoughts that you wrote about yourself.

Next Friday we will share how to prepare your intention for sex magick.

My Sexual Biography

My Sex Bio is dedicated to changing the way people talk about and connect with their sexual selves, through guided reflection, empowering sex education and our virtual sex-positive studio classes.


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