Friday Five: Mental Wealth Check-In

Here’s a mental wealth check-in featuring inspiring Latinx healers and sex therapists. Take 5 minutes for 5 ways to elevate your mind, body, soul and sex life.

  1. How are you feeling?

And, how would you like to feel? Closing those gaps can be as simple as changing your mindset and present perspective. Your thoughts feed the experience of your reality, but sometimes it takes more than mindfulness to find peace. If you’re struggling with your mental health, we recommend talking to someone, whether a friend or a qualified therapist.

2. Therapy is Self Care

“You are worthy of wellness, pleasure, and joy.”

— De La Tierra Wellness Collective

Nancy offers specialized forms of talk psychotherapy FOR TRANS, QUEER, LATINX/E, BLACK, INDIGENOUS AND OTHER PEOPLE OF COLOR.

Xichana healer supports all kinds of sex-related needs, including:

  • Sexuality/Gender Exploration, Gender Transitioning Care & Support

  • Low Libido, Painful sex, Out of Control Sexual Behaviors and "sex addiction"

  • Kink & BDSM, Polyamorous & Ethical Non-Monogamous Relationships

  • Sex & Disability

Many people face these struggles. Know that the right therapist is out there to guide you to a better relationship with your sexual self and your partner(s).

Visit Nancy’s website for more information.

3. Peace Plants & Pānquetzani

Pānquetzani, @indigemama, draws from her ancestral roots to share practices focused on womb healing with natural herbs. She founded @indigescuela, an online course for mothers, and anyone with a womb who wants to learn more about this sacred space and its healthy cycles.

4. Community Check-In

Remember to check in with your friends and community. Ask simple questions that invoke thoughtful answers:

  • What’s been on your mind lately? 

  • How can I support you within our friendship right now?

  • Is there anything you need to release? I can listen.

5. Active Listening

As good as it feels to vent to another person, it’s also a healing experience to truly listen and find compassion while hearing about another person's experience. Here are three tips for practicing active listening.

  1. Let whoever is talking finish completely before you decide to speak or think about how you’d like to answer. So often, while someone is talking, we fail to listen as our mind drifts into what or how we could respond to them. Allow their voice to be the only thing you focus on; if needed, take your time before responding.

  2. Holding eye contact is one way to keep the focus on whoever is speaking.

  3. Ask questions if you don't understand what they’re trying to communicate. It shows that you are paying attention and encouraging them to share.

My Sexual Biography

My Sex Bio is dedicated to changing the way people talk about and connect with their sexual selves, through guided reflection, empowering sex education and our virtual sex-positive studio classes.


Sex and the Senses with an Adult Entertainer / Jett Setting Jasmine on My Sex Bio


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