RIP to All the Conversations that Died Once I Told Them My Prices

Woman holding herself

RIP to all the conversations that died once I told them my prices

The awkward pause after I tell them
I won't argue for free
The brief inhalation when I
announce I won't do the emotional
labor they've thrust on me
When they realize I’m really just
fine with taking the dick to-go

The silent calculations
when they notice they really
cannot afford me
and figure out I cost more
That there are better people
I'm holding out for
That I only present myself to those
who don’t worry about the price tag

Who enthusiastically put down
their phones in my presence
Who spoil me with focus,
Support my vision
Curate spaces for me to thrive
Provide financial assistance
before I have to ask
Foresee a future for me
beyond the now

Don’t question my needs
Realize every great party
has a door fee
And my time shouldn't be free
Would be insulted if I even
entertained a sliding scale
Who want to find out what it really
means to fuck a price tag

Who can get this lesson
on the clock
The same ones who know that,
while you took the time to hesitate
evaluate me,
decide if I was even worth it,
the price just went up

— Amon Elise

Amon Elise

Amon Elise is a modern-day sensualist, yogi and poet. Her poetry tends to focus on sexual liberation and how to make room for your pleasure in life. The end goal of her work is to raise sexual awareness and break down its many, many stigmas so that we may pursue our highest pleasures.

She is also a facilitator at the My Sex Bio Studio!


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