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Going Inwards

Recommended Donation: $5-$25

About this Event

Going Inwards with Victoria Carrier☀️

Our bodies hold the key to our ultimate happiness and this class will give you the tools and skills to help start that journey to igniting the bright light within us all!

These classes are meant to equip you with positive self-care practices for day-to-day life. We focus on the benefits of inner reflection and peace through yoga, breathwork, mindfulness and meditation while prioritizing our own needs and gratitude for ourselves.

Each class starts with our "Juicy Stretch of the Day" (beginner yoga stretches) to relax the body. We follow that with breathwork techniques to engage the mind, body and soul. An important part of this class is connection and mindful reflection which is why we give time for an open discussion focused on our theme for the day. Each session will wrap with guided meditation, ending with a few moments of silence.

General Class Structure

  • Juicy Stretch of the Day (beginner yoga stretches)

  • Alignment & Centering through Breathwork

  • Small-Group Discussions

  • Guided Meditation

  • Moment of Silence

  • Room for Questions

Class Themes

  • May 17: Self-care 101

  • May 24: Tools for Managing Stress

  • May 31: Relationships

  • June 7: Creating Productive Routines

  • June 14: Setting Difficult Boundaries

  • June 21: Nourishing Our Bodies

  • June 28: Letting Go of Expectations

  • July 5: The Importance of Movement

Instructor Bio

Victoria is a yogi and mindfulness enthusiast, originally from the US of A. Victoria spent most of her younger years traveling before finally founding her homestead in beautiful Melbourne, Australia. After settling in, she fell in love with the healing powers of yoga and mindfulness and has since incorporated them as an essential part of her daily life.

Struggling with her own anxiety, chronic fatigue and depression she found that partaking in these daily routines had the power to completely change her life. She saw a significant positive change in all aspects of herself; mind, body, and soul. This positivity impacted the world around her too.

In all this, Victoria found a new purpose in guiding others on their own journey to self-love and balance.

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