Friday Five. 11/11: It’s Your Lucky Day

Happy 11/11 family! In recognition of this auspicious day landing on a Friday, we’re diving into a topic a bit outside our “usual” content: numerology.

Similar to astrology, which gives insight into traits we might possess based on the stars’ alignment during our birth, numerology is another tool for bridging the gap between the person you are and the person you’d like to be.

Take 5 minutes to learn about this ancient study and what it could indicate about you and your sex life.

  1. Not Just Numbers

“The origins of Numerology can be traced back thousands of years to ancient civilizations like Babylon, Egypt, Greece, India and China. By far, the most popular system is the Western system of Numerology that was created more than 2,500 years ago by Pythagoras, a Greek Philosopher who was also a mathematician.” — Facts And History Of Numerology

Similar to using your birth date and time to find your natal chart in astrology, you use the numbers of the day, month and year of your birth to find your Life Path number. Based on over 40 years of research, Pythagoras suggested a link between birth date and lived experiences.

“Pythagoras, commonly known as ‘the father of modern mathematics’ (Pythagorean theorem!) demonstrated how each of the primary numbers (1-9) represented an aspect of universal energy, or what he termed Universal Law.”

He considered numbers to be the rational link between consciousness and matter, the connecting conceptual bridge between body and spirit, physics and metaphysics. ”

The History of Traditional Numerology

2. How to Find Your Life Path Number

Step 1: Write out the numbers of your birthday and add them together.

For example, June 3rd 1993 would be: 6+3+1+9+9+3=31

Step 2: The two-digit number is then added together so you get a single digit. Example: 3+1=4

Your Life Path number is 4.

3. Dive in!

Now that you know your number, you can research what it might mean for you! We recommend reading this article by MindBodyMindfulness.

Check out Vanessa Grubel’s Youtube channel, where she shares about each life path number and how to use your unique traits to attract the things and people you want in your life. In this video, she talks about numerology compatibility for couples.

4. 11.11 Make a Wish!

11:11 AM/PM is popularly known to be a lucky time. Today is even more exciting as it is believed to be a day of good fortune and new beginnings.

In history, “it has signified a fresh start and a deep transformation in humanity - the Armistice that ended the fighting in Western Europe during World War I took effect at 11am Paris time on November 11, 1918.”

November 11 is a lucky energy day

5. How to Make the Most of It

Think of today as an opportunity to set some personal intentions and initiate new projects, habits and ideas.

Check in with your partner(s) and important relationships and see where you could bring more awareness into aspects that need to be addressed or perhaps changed.

Maybe there’s something new you’ve been wanting to try in the bedroom or a conversation you’ve been putting off. Use this as motivation to just do it!

My Sexual Biography

My Sex Bio is dedicated to changing the way people talk about and connect with their sexual selves, through guided reflection, empowering sex education and our virtual sex-positive studio classes.


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