Adult Social Media: Freyja

two woman and Freyja's social media logo

Freyja is a safe and sustainable adult social media network on a mission to improve sexual education, reduce sexual abuse and empower performers. At My Sex Bio, we had the pleasure to talk with Maria Allgaier, Freyja’s founder.

My Sex Bio: What inspired you to start Freyja?

Maria: For many years I was in competitive rowing and in 2018 I ran a campaign to reduce sexual violence in our club system. However, that was very ineffective and most of it was swept under the rug. I then became involved in politics wanting to help reduce violence against women, but politics was also very ineffective. And so, I began to search for something that would be more impactful and actually make the change that I wanted to see. That’s when I made the connection between a lack of sex education, learning from porn, and the issues with mainstream social media censorship and banning.

My Sex Bio: What does it mean to practice sustainability within our social media networks?

Maria: Sustainability is a challenging word, as nowadays it feels like an empty statement as it’s so largely used as a marketing tool. What we mean by sustainability is two things: safety and security.

  • Safety. We wanted to take a very new approach to safety that hasn’t been done or seen before on other social media platforms and adult sites. We properly verify our content creators and we pre-moderate all of our content in under 5 minutes. We also have a number of additional safety features. This helps us to reduce and combat image-based sexual abuse and child abuse. Having this type of thorough safety system is what ultimately makes us a more sustainable platform, and makes us the most compliant company when it comes to banks and payment providers.

  • Security. A number of performers, brands, sex ed influences and charities face uncertainty over whether or not they will be censored or banned on mainstream social media for talking about sex ed or anything spicy. We offer a platform where they can freely talk about these things, without censorship or the fear of being banned. And so, we can offer sustainability by removing this uncertainty.

My Sex Bio: How does being informed about sex education better help us to reduce sexual violence?

Maria: I had a failed sex education. I was barely taught about what sex actually meant, learned very little about consent and learned everything I knew from pornography. I definitely ended up in a number of gray area situations and plain black and white situations. Upon reflection, I realized that if I had a better sex education I could have reducated most of these situations, not all but the majority.

Sex education is a human right, and it needs to be treated as such. If we empower people and properly educate them not just on labeling a diagram, but on relationships, consent and pleasure then we would see a reduction in sexual violence as well as a number of other human rights issues.

My Sex Bio: What advice would you offer to anyone who is interested in becoming a performer with Freiya?

Maria: Sign-up, reach out to our team, and spread the word! Freyja is a lot more than just a company, we are a social movement. And we need everyone to help us to spread this movement.

Our site is for everyone, you can sign up as a performer, a brand, a charity, an organization or as an individual, it’s a space for everyone you can use it like social media or as a private content site.

Thank you for talking with us, Maria! Check out Freyja’s website and social media!

My Sexual Biography

My Sex Bio is dedicated to changing the way people talk about and connect with their sexual selves, through guided reflection, empowering sex education and our virtual sex-positive studio classes.


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