Friday Five: Destress & Find Peace Amongst Chaos

girl meditating

Here’s your weekly dose of sexy brain food and mental wellness. Take 5 minutes for 5 things that will elevate your mind, body, soul and sex life.

  1. We Are Grateful For YOU!

Wherever you’re reading in the world, we know it's very likely you’re experiencing financial, political or social hardship. As a collective, we are going through it.

As a nonprofit organization, we’re immensely grateful to our Patreon community whose support allows us to continue curating empowering content like this for you.

If you are someone able to give financially, share about the My Sex Bio community you are a part of, or like and comment on our social content, please know that your time and energy are greatly appreciated. 🙏🏻❤️

Keep reading for ways to destress your mind and body.

2. Stress and Sex?

Stressful life situations can directly impact our libido, leading to a negative feedback loop as sex can be a healthy activity for our body and mind, releasing endorphins and happy chemicals in our brains.

Watch our recent Sex Talks with Diana episode, where we chat with Dr. Kate Balestrieri about mismatched libidos, the different areas of our lives that can impact our sex drive and how gender expectations and antidepressants can affect sexual desire.

3. Deep Breath

Breathing exercises bring you into the present moment and can release anxiety, stress and strengthen your mental focus. Some other added benefits include:

- Strengthening your vitality and nervous system

- Restoring balance to your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems

- Increasing your endurance for physical activities (like sex!)

- Energizing your blood with additional oxygen

- Boosting your immune system to prevent illness and disease

  • Follow the below steps for a simple box breathing exercise.

Inhale deeply for 5 seconds pulling air from your belly, into your lungs and chest. Hold the breath for 5 seconds then exhale all the breath out for 5 seconds. Inhale again for 6 seconds, hold for 6 seconds, and exhale for 6 seconds. You can try increasing the amount of time to your max capacity.

4. Repeat Till You Believe It

5. Get By With a Little Help From My Friends

Being surrounded by like-minded people that support and inspire you with whatever you're experiencing in life is one of the healthiest ways to stay mentally balanced.

Join our social media community as well as our friends at Movement Designed to Feel Good.

My Sexual Biography

My Sex Bio is dedicated to changing the way people talk about and connect with their sexual selves, through guided reflection, empowering sex education and our virtual sex-positive studio classes.


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