Expressing Healthy Masculinity

“When I grew up, it was trying to sleep with as many women
as you could, but true manhood is about loving and caring
for as many people as you can.”

Terry Crew

Healthy masculinity can be understood as the freedom from unhealthy masculine stereotypes, or a walking away from the “man box” if you will. Healthy masculinity is expressed when males:

☀ Are celebrated for being vulnerable and encouraged to look for help when needed.

☀ Believe they should be free to dance, paint, sing and engage in all activities once considered “girly.”

☀ Don't consider alcohol a key element when “going out with the boys.”

☀ “Feel comfortable in emotionally-nurturing roles,” even with other males.

☀ “Hold other males accountable who engage in behaviors that are disrespectful or aggressive.”

☀ “Listen to and value women and girls” beyond them being possible sexual partners.

Raising Boys to Embrace a Healthy Masculinity.

Understanding masculinity as the human-made concept it is can be an encouraging thought. It means whatever harmful constructs we’ve created as society, we have the power to undo.

White Ribbon’s tips for promoting healthier masculinities among boys and young men are:

✨ Express and identify our own feelings as models for young males.

✨ Discuss gender stereotypes and their impacts.

✨ Differentiate between physical strength and strength of character.

✨ Encourage and celebrate self-expression.

✨ Celebrate healthy masculinities.

✨ Consider restorative discipline over punitive discipline.

✨ Model and teach boys about consent.

✨ Help boys understand gender and sexual diversity.

✨ Educate young people on gender equality.

Learn more about Healthy Masculinity by watching our interview

with JetSettingJasmine and King Noire

My Sexual Biography

My Sex Bio is dedicated to changing the way people talk about and connect with their sexual selves, through guided reflection, empowering sex education and our virtual sex-positive studio classes.


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