Elevate your Sex Life with Meditative Danz

Indulging in the pleasures of our bodies is a beautiful practice for better understanding our pleasures in the bedroom. The level to which we experience sexual, physical and sensual fulfillment is a combination of our attraction, arousal and ability to be present. Your potential to feel your greatest pleasure heightens when you feel safe, secure and confident in your body. It’s necessary to learn to release thoughts like “What does my face look like?” “Is my partner enjoying this?” “What do I have to do after this?”

When you allow yourself to let all these thoughts go and be fully immersed in the moment with your partner(s), your senses are heightened. The feel of their skin against yours, the smell of your scents converging, the sounds of their moans—all these little things come together to create the experience of ultimate pleasure-making with a partner(s). Or maybe you’re into kinky play, and that might be smelling sweat and latex and hearing cries of pain. Whatever language you’re speaking, you understand more clearly when your mind is quiet.

Quieting the mind is often practiced through forms of meditation, and when in states of flow—doing yoga, swimming, climbing, dancing can all be forms of movement meditation. The goal of these practices is to learn to quiet the mind and live in a meditative state more consistently. The more that we practice living in the now, the easier it becomes to extend this presence to every moment of our lives.

Michaela Boehm, author and intimacy expert, shares the importance of consciously engaging with our bodies, saying the mind-body connection is the secret to finding deeper, greater pleasure.

Meditative Danz helps us to deepen the connection with our bodies, activate our senses and find flow in the present moment—all practices you can cultivate to elevate sexual play.

Dancing is a liberating form of self-expression that everyone can enjoy.

— Azul

Keep reading for 5 ways that dancing can lead to better sexual experiences.

Increased flexibility and stamina

  • We begin our Meditative Danz sessions with stretching, which helps to increase blood flow, improve posture and release tension from the body. When we dance, especially in free flow, we open up the body to new and novel movements. This can increase your flexibility, offering more options and a better range of motion for interesting sex positions.
    Source: Healthline

Connect to your senses

  • Dancing is a combination of movement, touch and expression. You are free to caress your body, to feel into it every curve, tone and tender spot. In Meditative Danz sessions, we are guided through a body scan and senses meditation that invites us to view our body as a sensual temple.

Get to know your body

  • Any practice of body and senses exploration allows us to discover new ways of experiencing pleasure in our body. Whether it’s masturbation or dancing in our bedroom, when we explore with curiosity and non-judgment, we can deepen the connection to our physical self and its pleasure.

Release the idea of “aesthetic looking” pleasure

  • Dancing is an intrinsic and instinctive part of the human experience. In the Western world, many have become conditioned to view dance as solely a performative tradition, with perfect lines and smooth moves. However, dancing as a form of self-expression is freed from these idealized aesthetics. When we dance in these sessions, it is based on feeling, intuition and ultimate enjoyment.

  • Letting go in dance will help you do the same in sexual experiences with partners. Although it can be enjoyable to look at yourself and your partner(s) during sex, your pleasure doesn’t need to look aesthetically pleasing. Understanding this can potentially help lessen anxieties and thoughts about how your body and facial expressions look during sex.

Presence and release

  • Connecting to our senses, our physical pleasures and practicing movement meditation can lead us to being more present with ourselves and our partner(s) during any sexual experiences.

Try out a Meditative Danz session at home with our visual guide, including a body meditation, movement exercises, and a playlist! Download the interactive guide below.

My Sexual Biography

My Sex Bio is dedicated to changing the way people talk about and connect with their sexual selves, through guided reflection, empowering sex education and our virtual sex-positive studio classes.


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