Friday Five: Seasonal Self-Care

This is your seasonal mental wealth check-in and a reminder that sexual fulfillment and wellness begins with self-care, from the inside out.

Keep reading for 5 ways to add mindful self-care into your daily life.

  1. ‘Tis the Season

We love our global audience and understand that some of you are experiencing opposite seasons.

If you’re experiencing winter, we remind you to go easy on yourself. The drop in temperature can lead to fatigue, dry skin, seasonal depression and a weakened immune system. We’ll share advice on how to fight back and feel your best. 💪🏽

Summer audience, this is your chance to play! Longer, warmer days inspire creativity, action and collaboration. We’ll share some practices to stay balanced and energized.

2. Turmeric Powerhouse

Winter: Prepare a delicious and immune-boosting hot drink.

Add 1 tbsp of turmeric powder into 8-12 oz. of boiling water (or milk for a creamier texture) for a comforting, antioxidant-rich beverage. Add honey once the drink has slightly cooled, as too high a heat will kill the honey’s natural nutrients and enzymes which help to soothe the throat and fight off bacteria.

Summer: Prepare a sun-protecting snack.

Turmeric contains the antioxidant ferulic acid which helps to protect the skin and counter sun damage. Sprinkle turmeric and nutritional yeast on popcorn for a light and flavorful spicy snack.

3. Kissable Skin

Winter: Nutrition boost for your gut.

The gel of an Aloe Vera plant has 200 active ingredients, rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, natural sugars and fatty acids. Drinking one cup of juice can boost your digestion and immune system. Please read this article and/or consult a nutritionist to learn more about the benefits and side effects before you decide to consume.

Summer: Indulge your skin.

Aloe Vera also has cooling and skin-healing properties. Spread Aloe Vera gel all over the body to replenish after a day out in the sun and soothe any burns.

4. CommUNITY

Winter: Cold weather and the holidays can evoke difficult feelings and seasonal depression for some folx.

Make sure to check-in with your friends, especially those who might not be welcomed at their own family gatherings. Start a support group chat where you can share uplifting encounters, photos, memes and music.

Summer: Long sunny days call for collaboration and outdoor gatherings.

Organize a community hike, beach clean-up or a park picnic with folx in your neighborhood. Offer your time volunteering with a nonprofit organization. In giving, we recieve.

5. Reflection Journaling


  • Am I allowing rest, relaxation and quiet time for myself?

  • What is guiding me in my life right now?

  • What am I incubating in this slower, less active season?


  • What are some actions, practices, people and experiences in my daily life that are giving me energy?

  • Depleting my energy?

  • What can I do to set boundaries?


  • What am I proud of accomplishing this year?

  • What is good in my life now?

  • What memories, lessons and experiences do I want to carry into this new year?

Double Your Impact

Support our work towards a more intentional world.

My Sex Bio exists with the sole purpose of evoking reflection in our societies, reflection on two of the most touching and vulnerable topics to any human—sex and relationships.

How we learn to listen and tend to our needs and how we show up for each of the relationships we've built in our lives largely determines how much peace we are able to bring to ourselves and extend to our communities.

  • How many relationships need to suffer before we stop rejecting and shaming our inherent sexuality?

  • How many young boys will we raise into violent stereotypes before we change how we talk about masculinity?

  • How many females have to experience pain during sex before health care providers stop telling them it's 'normal'?

With your support, we can continue to challenge these realities and build a world where people make choices in tune with their needs and their authentic selves, rather than follow predetermined scripts.

Throughout December, all your donations will be matched by a private donor. If you are in a position to do so, consider to:

Thank you. Your gift to us is tax-deductible! My Sex Bio is a US-registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

My Sexual Biography

My Sex Bio is dedicated to changing the way people talk about and connect with their sexual selves, through guided reflection, empowering sex education and our virtual sex-positive studio classes.


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