I Focus Only on What I Can Control.

I focus only on what I can control.

I focus only on what I can control.

I breathe slowly. I sit.

I close my eyes and follow the air passing from my nose into my lungs.

My mind is in a place of peace.

I focus on what I can control.

I feel the sunlight touch my skin like a warm blanket.

I keep my eyes closed. I perceive the scents around me.

The future may be ahead of me, but I can't control it. that "ton" of work I have to deliver is up to me, but everything is gradual, that “ton” won't crush me.

I trust myself, I trust that I am making the right decisions.

Anxiety has no power over me.

I continue to breathe slowly because it is the way to tune my mind with my body.

I listen to my heartbeat, I feel it in my fingers. I am calm.

I bring my mind back to reality, I open my eyes.

I focus only on what I can control.

My Sexual Biography

My Sex Bio is dedicated to changing the way people talk about and connect with their sexual selves, through guided reflection, empowering sex education and our virtual sex-positive studio classes.


The Role of Aftercare in Making Sex a Safe Experience


Rope Work and Inner Peace