Friday Five: Make Room for Magick

Now that your mind and body are prepared with your specific intention, let’s get into the ritual itself.

Keep reading for 5 ways to practice—solo or partnered—sex magick.

1. Salacious Space

Prepare the space where you will partake in magick by tidying up, setting up moody, soft lighting, spraying rose water or lighting incense/candles.

You can make a small altar space to adorn with totems and items that are meaningful to you. At your altar, speak your telos and light a candle to signify beginning the ritual.


Begin with creating a “telos,” the ancient Greek word for fulfillment, completion, goal or aim, and take 5-10 minutes to meditate on what you want to manifest right now.


Play a playlist that aligns with your vibe, turn your phone on silent and land into the present moment.

2. Eye Gazing

If you’re with a partner, you can start the ritual with an intimate seduction of facing one another and keeping eye contact for a few minutes. Resist the temptation to look away. If it feels uncomfortable or unsafe, maybe this is not the right person to be engaging with.


Tap below to learn more about eye gazing and other tantric practices you can enjoy with a partner.


3. Breathwork & Touch

Try ‘Tummo’ breathing, Tibetan for “inner fire,” by inhaling while arching your back and exhaling to round the spine.

You can add in a pelvic contraction (kegel) at the top before you exhale. It feels nice to place your hand on your heart and/or your partner. Bring in that tantric touch that you’ve practiced to move the circulating energy all around the body.

4. On the Edge

Build up the tension as you’re making love with your partner by backing off when you feel close to your release. This practice is called “edging,” and with the help of your pelvic floor strength, breath and focus you can become a master of controlling your climax. Hold your telos in your awareness throughout the experience, repeating your intention aloud.

5. Immense Attention

Once you (and your partner) feel ready to mutually orgasm, bring your telos to the mind and as your body is filling with intense pleasure, focus on your visualization and/or say your affirmation.


Feel the pleasure of your physical bliss expanding to your dream reality.


Give yourself time after to soak in the ritual and share with your partner any reflections.

Next Friday, we’ll share ways to start the sex magick conversation with a partner.

My Sexual Biography

My Sex Bio is dedicated to changing the way people talk about and connect with their sexual selves, through guided reflection, empowering sex education and our virtual sex-positive studio classes.


The Key to Healthy Intimacy: Exploring the Importance of Consensual Sex Education


Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE): Empowerment Through Informed Choices