Pride Month 2024! A Little Recap

What is Pride Month?

LGBTQ+ Pride Month is the month dedicated to commemorating and celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer members of the community. Pride Month started after the Stonewall riots in 1968.

“It was a summer night in Greenwich Village, New York, when the cops burst into the Stonewall Inn, demanding to ‘check the sex’ of some of the bar’s customers by physical examination, arresting people and making them wait inside police vehicles. These actions didn’t go unnoticed, and the crowd (tired and angry at the police’s homophobia) stood up and fought, forcing the cops to retreat.”

Why Pride Month?

Thou that situation in Stonewall Inn was not the first time police mistreated the LGBTQ+ community, this particular one gained momentum and gave new power to the “Gay liberation” movement.

When is Pride Month?

Pride Month takes place from June 1st to June 31st every year. And during this month. Multiple parades, gatherings and activities are organized by LGBTQ+ organizations.

How can I get involved in Pride Month 2024?

  • March in your local parade! Join the community as they express their pride in the streets.

  • Educate yourself and educate others. Take time and read about the achievements of the community, watch movies or listen to podcast. Share what you’ve learned and help others empathize with LGBTQ+ issues.

  • Support LGBTQ+ organizations. Consider donating to organizations that help members of the community in need and

Find your parade!

During June, multiple parades will happen around the globe and finding your local one can be messy. Check here for events in the US. Also, check this out to find worldwide dates and locations to join the community, commemorate history and feel pride!

My Sexual Biography

My Sex Bio is dedicated to changing the way people talk about and connect with their sexual selves, through guided reflection, empowering sex education and our virtual sex-positive studio classes.


Friday Five: Reflect.Empower.Unite


Friday Five: Sexual Education on Social Media