The My Sex Bio Blog
Educating. Empowering. Entertaining.
I’m on my period, I CAN’T get pregnant, right?!
Most likely not.
Talking About Pregnancy
Can Fingering or a Hand Job Lead to Pregnancy or a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)?
Can you get pregnant from pre-cum?
The short answer is YES (but it isn’t too likely).
For human life to start, a lot of complex processes need to take place. What are these? When can pregnancy occur?
No jokes should be made about menstruation. Period! Bad puns aside, let’s explore menstruation
The Science of Sex
We want to share out monthly news with you
Let’s talk ERECTIONS.
Let’s talk about erections. Most of them take place when an individual experiences sexual arousal (yes, ‘most’).
Condoms Dos and Don’ts
Let’s talk about condoms and how to prevent STI’s
Why we write:
My Sexual Biography is committed to sharing voices from as many people, places, perspectives and experiences as possible. We believe the only way to change the conversation around sex and sexuality is to start the conversation.
Interested in writing for us? Please send your resume, portfolio/writing sample and story pitch to
— Amanda Fisher-Katz-Keohane, C.O.O.