Friday Five: Free Guided Meditation

Keep reading for ways to cleanse your body from unwanted sexual energy.

  1. Sexual Wounds

Sexual wounds may have come into your body in the form of unwanted touch, unconsented sexual behaviors, hurtful comments and negative thoughts about your sexuality and expression. This can lead to difficulties attracting aligned partners, low sex drive (or increased risky sexual behaviors), inability to experience pleasure and tension in the body.

2. How Is Trauma Stored?

If the emotions caused by trauma are not released from the body they can lead to chronic physical pain, migraines and degradation of normal nervous system responses. We recommend reading “The Body Keeps the Score”, by Dr. Van der Kolk for an extensive explanation of how trauma is held in the body and how it affects our nervous system.

A person’s brain and body may continue to operate as if the trauma were still going on, continuously secreting hormones and firing brain synapses associated with the fight/flight/freeze response, keeping the body in a continuous state of stress (Van der Kolk, 2014). 

3. Somatic Release

Soma” is Greek for body. Somatic exercises work with the body itself to facilitate releasing of stored emotions and energy related to traumatic experiences.

4. Shaking

Shaking is a somatic practice that helps to release tension and stress.

The shaking or vibrating helps to release muscular tension, burn excess adrenaline, and calm the nervous system to its neutral state, thereby managing stress levels in the body.”

Shaking Your Body to Help Heal Stress and Trauma, Healthline

5. Guided Practice

Follow along with this guided somatic practice, to use your breath, self-touch, shaking and affirmations to release unwanted energy and return to peace within your sexual expression.

My Sexual Biography

My Sex Bio is dedicated to changing the way people talk about and connect with their sexual selves, through guided reflection, empowering sex education and our virtual sex-positive studio classes.


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Friday Five: 5 Sensual Senses