Friday Five: How to Be More Confident

Keep reading for 5 ways to foster your confidence and your magnetic energy.

  1. A Throne of Your Own

“Successful people are individuals who managed to figure out the unique gift that the universe gave them when they incarnated, and they put that to the service of their goals [...]. Life is large, but most of us don’t merely take up the space the universe intended for us; we take up the sweet space around our toes, which is why when you see somebody in the field, full of their humanity, it's remarkable. They shine, they glow, it’s like they swallow the moon!”

TedTalk Keynote speaker Caroline McHuges

There is no competition that exists between you or anyone else because there is no one just like you. Jealousy only causes rifts between partners and friends and your own inner peace. Someone’s success, physical attractiveness, talents, and charm do not take away from yours. If anything, tap into others’ success and allow it to inspire you to share the best parts of yourself!

2. Daily Self-Love Rituals

Create daily practices to give attention to your physical, spiritual, and emotional body. Starting and ending your day with intention, something as simple as a morning gratitude exercise and nightly self-massage, can enrich the soul and be positive feedback to your mental wealth.

When we are glowing from the inside out, our energy is magnetic. Ask yourself:

Gratitude journaling prompts, adapted from the DayOne App.

3. Posture

The way you carry yourself affects your mood, confidence, physical and brain health, and overall radiance. Many of us slouch due to staring at laptops, looking at phones and sitting at desks all-day.

Try this quick exercise to correct your posture:

  1. Lift your shoulders to your ears as much as you can.

  2. Keep going; raise them higher than you think.

  3. Then, push them back, squeezing your shoulder blades together.

  4. Let them fall gently. Now, imagine walking into any space—a networking event, date, difficult conversation—with your spine tall and your head held high.

  5. How do you feel?

4. Openness

Build a safe container for deeper connection, pleasure, and play. You can try the 36 questions that might lead to love exercise with friends, partners, or anyone with whom you wish to create a more meaningful connection. Through open communication, you can understand if you are safe to build a stronger bond, giving you more confidence to speak clearly about your boundaries, concerns, desires, and needs.

Strong communication and honesty are the first steps to creating a more open and loving channel. Your partner will also feel safe to share with you, and that gives you the opportunity to be a better lover to them.

5. Playfulness

When you’re on the same page with your partners, lovers, and friends, you feel comfortable being yourself in all your uniqueness. You can invite silliness and play in and out of the bedroom. Free yourself to laugh when you queef, fart, or do anything unexpected that might be considered “embarrassing.”

Relationships with a healthy, playful dynamic may also be ones that have built healthy polarities or, said another way, have found how to keep the “hot attraction” and magnetism alive.

The yin and yang/give and take is a crucial component of healthy relationships, and it’s why we’ve crafted a class to learn how to keep the attraction attractive!

Learn how to keep the spark going in our welcoming Sexual Polarities class on Thursday, February 1, where we will delve deeper into understanding and celebrating these dynamic forces within us! Learn more here.

My Sexual Biography

My Sex Bio is dedicated to changing the way people talk about and connect with their sexual selves, through guided reflection, empowering sex education and our virtual sex-positive studio classes.


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