The Five Sex Languages with a Certified Erotic Blueprint Coach™

Elle McPherson

“Sex and pleasure can be a lot bigger than what we’ve
been lead to see on TV and mainstream media.”

— Elle McPherson

In our daily lives, we often lose sight of how our sexuality intertwines with every other aspect of ourselves. Through mainstream porn, soap operas and hints from our friends, we generally learn sexual desire is something that should ‘come naturally’ to us. We pick up that having ‘great’ sex (and lots of it) is a goal we should all aim for, and then we’re provided a very narrow script for how to go about achieving it.

In our latest episode of Sex Talks with Diana, we chat with Elle McPherson.

Elle is a Certified Erotic Blueprint Coach™, as well as a Certified Accelerated Evolution™ Coach, an International Coach Federation-certified life coach and an RYT-200 Kripalu yoga teacher. Through her coaching and teaching, Elle’s mission is to empower people to find freedom in owning their authentic erotic selves.

“How can you be living your best life if your sexuality
is something you haven’t even looked at.”

— Elle McPherson

In this conversation, Elle talks about her passion for coaching and how she realized that guiding others through personal growth inherently includes a dive into sexual fulfillment.

Elle highlights the importance of the Erotic Blueprints as a system that can help us navigate our sexuality more comprehensively by expandinging our understanding and vocabulary regarding the diverse ways in which we experience sex and pleasure, from person to person.

“It’s a framework for understanding how we are each wired differently. You can also think of the Erotic Blueprints
as different flavors of sexuality.”

— Elle McPherson

Elle also emphasizes the role of self-acceptance in finding a sexual path that feels authentic—stripping away the ‘shoulds’ and uncovering your ‘primary pathway to turn-on’ are the first steps to moving away from unfulfilling patterns. Shame and secrecy become smaller as you attempt to experience sexuality from your body, not from your mind, since “your body doesn’t lie.”

Tune in and hear about her experience as a coach and get her advice for navigating differences in the bedroom.

Find in this conversation:

  • The Five Stages of Sexuality

  • A brief explanation of each Blueprint Type

  • Common struggles in the realm of sexuality

  • Sex in long-term monogamous relationships

  • Enthusiastic consent

  • Early sex education

  • The impacts of secrecy around sexuality

  • Mismatched libidos

  • Elle’s classes on our My Sex Bio Studio

“We all have these pieces of ourselves, they are all safe to explore, and I’m teaching people what those different pieces of themselves are, how to safely explore them together so that people can feel like all sides of themselves are being met and seen by their partners.”

— Elle McPherson

If you’ve enjoyed this conversation, don’t forget to sign up for Elle’s classes here. Get a free class ticket by joining our mailing list!

My Sexual Biography

My Sex Bio is dedicated to changing the way people talk about and connect with their sexual selves, through guided reflection, empowering sex education and our virtual sex-positive studio classes.


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