The My Sex Bio Blog

Educating. Empowering. Entertaining.

Managing Feelings of Hurt and Rejection
Relationships My Sexual Biography Relationships My Sexual Biography

Managing Feelings of Hurt and Rejection

Sexual rejection in a relationship can trigger intense emotions—hurt, self-doubt, resentment—that, if left unaddressed, may create distance between partners. While these feelings are valid, learning to process them constructively is essential for healing and rebuilding intimacy. 

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How to Set Boundaries in a Relationship?
Relationships My Sexual Biography Relationships My Sexual Biography

How to Set Boundaries in a Relationship?

Setting boundaries in a relationship is essential for both partners to feel respected, understood, and valued. In this blog, we’ll explore what boundaries are, why they are important, and how you can effectively set and maintain them in your relationship.

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Why we write:

My Sexual Biography is committed to sharing voices from as many people, places, perspectives and experiences as possible. We believe the only way to change the conversation around sex and sexuality is to start the conversation.

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— Amanda Fisher-Katz-Keohane, C.O.O.