The My Sex Bio Blog
Educating. Empowering. Entertaining.
Friday Five: Gettting Spooky in Bed—Halloween Edition
Take 5 minutes to find your sexual character and get some new ideas to try this weekend.
Cycles Are For Everyone, Males Included / ShaVaughn Elle on My Sex Bio
The Menstrual Cycle: What Are You About to Birth? / ShaVaughn Elle on My Sex Bio
Friday Five: Kama Sutra Crash Course
Feeling bored with the standard rotation of your routine sex positions? Increase your flexibility, intimacy and sexual connection with your partner ~ Kama Sutra style. Take 5 minutes to learn new sex positions from ancient erotica.
What To Do If Someone Comes Out To Me
If someone comes out to you, they must consider you their friend or someone trustworthy—close enough to want to be their honest self with you. There are no instructions to follow or scripts to go by, but there are a few things to keep in mind when this happens.
Sensory Play and Intimacy / Jett Setting Jasmine on My Sex Bio
Healthy Masculinity Comes with Healing / Sarrah Rose on My Sex Bio
Friday Five: Mary Jane in the Bedroom
Are you curious about inviting cannabis into your sex life? Take 5 minutes for 5 nuggets of advice for enjoying marijuana high sex.
Coming Out Day
Hey, are you…? You know… *twists wrist* *plays Ru Paul playlist* Well, are you?... OMG, me too!
Tantra in Our Everyday Lives: Relationships and Sense of Self / Gustavo Monje on My Sex Bio
Is Tantra and Tantric Sex the same?
The equation of tantra with sex is a common misconception that flows from the simplified Western understanding of it.
Come Together in the Bedroom: The 5 Erotic Blueprints with a Certified Erotic Blueprint Coach™
Friday Five: Guide to Peaceful Periods
Take 5 minutes for 5 ways to nourish, balance and find peace with your monthly cycle.
How to Start the Conversation About ENM?
Are you monogamous but considering opening up your relationship?
Racism and Sex from the Eyes of a Clinical Psychologist / Dr. Catalina Lawsin on Carnal Theory
Why LGBT History Month?
LGBT History Month—what does it commemorate?
Feeling Your Feelings / Erotic Blueprint Coach ™ Stacie Ysidro on My Sex Bio
Friday Five: Libra Season Libation
Here’s your Libra Season guide to a more social, harmonious and aesthetically pleasing life. Pour yourself a nourishing cup of tea and take 5 minutes for 5 ways to elevate your mind, body, soul and sex life.
What Do You Wish You Learned in Sex Ed? with Pierce Delahunt
Why we write:
My Sexual Biography is committed to sharing voices from as many people, places, perspectives and experiences as possible. We believe the only way to change the conversation around sex and sexuality is to start the conversation.
Interested in writing for us? Please send your resume, portfolio/writing sample and story pitch to
— Amanda Fisher-Katz-Keohane, C.O.O.