The My Sex Bio Blog
Educating. Empowering. Entertaining.

How to Make a DIY Dildo at Home
Creating a DIY dildo at home is a fun and creative way to explore your sexual needs, even if you don’t have access to professional materials like silicone. By repurposing household items, you can craft a customized toy that suits your preferences ;)

“Am I a Sex Addict?” What Sex Therapists Have to Say
"Am I a sex addict?" are you wondering? Here are a few ideas to reflect upon and get closer to the answer.

MSB Book Club is back! Get to know Amon, Urban Tantra’s Book Club Facilitator
2024 is around the corner and MSB Book Club is back! In our newest 60-minute book club, we’ll break down the book Urban Tantra by Barbara Carrellas into three sections led by our beloved facilitator, Amon Elise

5 Uncommon Symptoms of Endometriosis
How Do I Know if I Have Endometriosis? Keep reading and learn about this 5 uncommon symptoms of endometriosis.

Exploring the Benefits of Kegel Exercises for Female Sexual Health and Pleasure
Enhance your sexual health and pleasure through the power of Kegel exercises. Strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and unlock a world of heightened sensations and satisfaction.

Breaking Down Stigmas: Why Sex Toys are Important for Female Pleasure
Sex toys are often shrouded in stigma, but they can be an incredibly empowering addition to a woman's sexual experiences. By breaking down barriers and exploring your desires, you can discover new levels of pleasure, satisfaction, and intimacy.

How Erotic Writing Can Inspire You // Peekaboo Collins on The Carnal Theory Podcast

10 Surprising Sexual Health Benefits of Exercise
Regular exercise can do more than just improve physical health. Discover 10 surprising ways exercise can positively impact sexual health and wellbeing.

Radical Self-Acceptance and Body Liberation / HP Willis
Let’s talk about self-acceptance and body liberation!

Capitalism, Sexuality and Pleasure / Caritia on The Carnal Theory Podcast
Sexuality has been taboo for so long, we’ve been deprived from a rich source of knowledge: honest conversations with others.

4 Tips on How to Have Transcendental Sex
While some people describe it as “the best sex ever”, other people even claim to have transcended during sex also say they’ve had visions, out-of-body experiences, or feelings of being transported to a different place.

Healthy Masculinity Begins at Home / Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire on Carnal Theory Podcast
How to make sure our children are choosing for themselves what being masculine means?

Benefits of Sex Include… / Gigi Engle on the Sex Talks with Diana Podcast
Can sex help better our mental health?

How Mirror Work Can Improve Your Relationship With Your Body and Upgrade Your Sex Life
You look at your body in the mirror all the time, but how often do you look at your genitals in the mirror?

What Does it Mean to Be Sexually Healthy?
On Sexual Health Month, let’s explore what sexual health really is.

What is Sex Addiction?
Though "sex addiction" is not an official diagnosis, the experience of having disruptive compulsions to engage in sexual behavior is real—similar to how people addicted to alcohol or drugs become reliant on those addictive behaviors.

Practice Safe, Consensual and Liberating Sex Work -Advice From an Escort
Prostitution, as defined by the exchange of sexual services for anything of value, is still illegal in the U.S. However, escorting—someone being paid to accompany you on dates—is completely legal.

Why Do People Choose Non-Monogamy?
Are people non-monogamous because they want to have a lot of s€x?
Spoiler alert: The short answer is NO

Falling in Love with Yourself
An Interview with Dr. Nancy Sutton Pierce

Sexual Fantasy Sexploration
Why we write:
My Sexual Biography is committed to sharing voices from as many people, places, perspectives and experiences as possible. We believe the only way to change the conversation around sex and sexuality is to start the conversation.
Interested in writing for us? Please send your resume, portfolio/writing sample and story pitch to info@mysexbio.org
— Amanda Fisher-Katz-Keohane, C.O.O.