The My Sex Bio Blog
Educating. Empowering. Entertaining.
How to Start the Conversation About ENM?
Are you monogamous but considering opening up your relationship?
What Does it Mean to Give Sexual Aftercare?
Challenges And Benefits of Ethical Non-Monogamy (ENM)
Online Dating, Intimacy and Privacy
An interview with Avril Louis Clarke
Love Languages vs. Sex Languages
Have you ever had trouble communicating with a partner? Relationships can be challenging to navigate…but we have some guidance to offer!
Ode to Aftercare
Why we write:
My Sexual Biography is committed to sharing voices from as many people, places, perspectives and experiences as possible. We believe the only way to change the conversation around sex and sexuality is to start the conversation.
Interested in writing for us? Please send your resume, portfolio/writing sample and story pitch to
— Amanda Fisher-Katz-Keohane, C.O.O.