The My Sex Bio Blog

Educating. Empowering. Entertaining.

Bodily Autonomy: Abortion
Diana Lorena Diana Lorena

Bodily Autonomy: Abortion

Abortion is just another form of bodily autonomy, and bodily autonomy is a fundamental right we all should be fighting for.

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What is Demisexuality?
My Sexual Biography My Sexual Biography

What is Demisexuality?

Have you ever had difficulty feeling sexually aroused when you meet someone you find physically attractive? For some, arousal is only possible through a deep emotional bond.

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What I Learned from a Practicing Dom
Srishti Verma Srishti Verma

What I Learned from a Practicing Dom

To keep it short and simple, I’ll focus on seven key takeaways from talking with a practicing Dom. But first, the burning question on at least some of your minds—What is BDSM?!

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Why we write:

My Sexual Biography is committed to sharing voices from as many people, places, perspectives and experiences as possible. We believe the only way to change the conversation around sex and sexuality is to start the conversation.

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— Amanda Fisher-Katz-Keohane, C.O.O.