The My Sex Bio Blog
Educating. Empowering. Entertaining.
Big Mouth: How Puberty Can be Uncomfortable but Also Funny and Educational
Being an adult may make you forget how awkward your body can be, but Nick and his friends will bring some flashbacks of that awkwardness
Sex Rituals: Where to Begin? / Rafaella Fiallo, Trauma Therapist on The Carnal Theory Podcast
How intentional are you in your sex life? Have you ever tried sexual rituals? They can be a great way to develop a mindfulness practice that helps you stay present during your sexual encounters.
Friday Five: Refresh Your Timelines
Here are 5 snacks to add to your media feed.
Friday Five: Seeking a Sensual Life
Here are 5 ideas to connect to your sensuality, your body and your unique sexual expression.
Radical Self-Acceptance and Body Liberation / HP Willis
Let’s talk about self-acceptance and body liberation!
Bodily Autonomy: Why Motherhood as a Choice Should Be a Human Right
Are you a mother? If yes, was it planned or unplanned? How has motherhood affected your life?
If not, has motherhood ever crossed your mind?
Capitalism, Sexuality and Pleasure / Caritia on The Carnal Theory Podcast
Sexuality has been taboo for so long, we’ve been deprived from a rich source of knowledge: honest conversations with others.
Friday Five: Steal These 5 Sexual Goals for Your 2023
Here are 5 key sexual resolutions to set for 2023.
4 Tips on How to Have Transcendental Sex
While some people describe it as “the best sex ever”, other people even claim to have transcended during sex also say they’ve had visions, out-of-body experiences, or feelings of being transported to a different place.
Healthy Masculinity Begins at Home / Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire on Carnal Theory Podcast
How to make sure our children are choosing for themselves what being masculine means?
Benefits of Sex Include… / Gigi Engle on the Sex Talks with Diana Podcast
Can sex help better our mental health?
Friday Five: Set Yourself Up for Sexual Satisfaction in 2023
Tis’ the time to make new year resolutions and break cycles that don’t serve us; an easy way to break patterns is by looking back with intention.
Setting Sexual Goals for 2023
Are you ready to set goals for 2023?
Friday Five: This Year’s Sexiest Moments
Take 5 minutes for highlights of our favorite moments of ‘22.
Is Sex Work an Inherently Exploitative Industry?
This blog is meant to be a thought-provoking exercise inviting all our readers to consider the nuance of the numerous legal and moral discussions that, to this day, still exist around sex work globally.
Friday Five. Get Behind It: Advice for Trying Butt Play
Take 5 minutes to learn hot tips for trying butt play in the bedroom.
Sex Work Is Not Sex Trafficking
What’s the link between sex work and human trafficking?
Friday Five: Sexy Side Hustle
Take 5 minutes for 5 forms of sex-y work in the 21st century.
Why can’t it just be okay
I Wish I Learned in Sex Ed at School That... / Pierce Delahunt on My Sex Bio
Why we write:
My Sexual Biography is committed to sharing voices from as many people, places, perspectives and experiences as possible. We believe the only way to change the conversation around sex and sexuality is to start the conversation.
Interested in writing for us? Please send your resume, portfolio/writing sample and story pitch to
— Amanda Fisher-Katz-Keohane, C.O.O.