The My Sex Bio Blog
Educating. Empowering. Entertaining.
How Erotic Writing Can Inspire You // Peekaboo Collins on The Carnal Theory Podcast
From Solo Play to Partnered Play: The Benefits of Masturbation for Female Empowerment
Masturbation can be a powerful tool for female empowerment, allowing women to explore their bodies and take control of their sexual pleasure.
Friday Five: LGBTQ Rights in the US
Keep reading for 5 ways to support the trans community and human rights for all.
10 Surprising Sexual Health Benefits of Exercise
Regular exercise can do more than just improve physical health. Discover 10 surprising ways exercise can positively impact sexual health and wellbeing.
Friday Five: Befriend your Bleed
Keep reading for 5 ways to reconnect to your monthly cycle—and how to support those in your life during their different phases.
Friday Five: Happy Spring Equinox!
5 ways to reactivate our home, body and sex life.
“Am I a Sex Addict?” Learn to Read the Signs According to a Sex Therapist
It’s too much when YOU feel it’s too much, and it could be an addiction or compulsion if it starts to keep you from delivering in your everyday life.
Friday Five: De-Capitalizing Sex & Identity
Keep reading for 5 ways to decapitalize your relationship with your body & sex life.
What is “Radical Monogamy”?
And most importantly…why all monogamous relationships should be “radical”?
Friday Five: Rituals for Life
Keep reading for 5 ideas to celebrate your body with simple rituals.
Sex Work: An EXCLUSIVE Interview with British Filth, Audio Erotica Creator Extraordinaire’
As he returns to audio following an extended absence, we catch up with British Filth to talk about his motivations, inspirations, the world of erotic audio and what his many admirers can expect from him in the future.
Friday Five: Radical Love
We’re sharing some terms that you might not know but perhaps will resonate with!
5 Ways on How to Support Someone Who Is Transitioning
Showing support during this time of transition is what will make the difference for your friend/family member! So here are 5 ways to support someone who’s transitioning.
Friday Five: Uncomfortable Sex Talks
Keep reading for 5 tips on how to have a productive sex talk with your partner(s).
Can Fingering or a Hand Job Lead to Pregnancy or an STI?
They can, though fingering and hand jobs are not the main culprits here.
Friday Five: Your Body is Talking
Keep reading for 5 rituals & practices you can do to maintain a healthy conversation with your body and the world around you.
Sexual Communication During Sex: All Expert Advice in One Place
Communicating during sex is no easy task. If you struggle with this and want to find ways to talk to your sexual partners during the sexual encounter—or you want tips to make sure your partner’s enjoying sex with you—this blog is for you.
Friday Five: Your O is Your Valentine
Keep reading for 5 tips on how to strengthen your O-game for better orgasms all around.
5 Hot Ways to Have Non-Penetrative Sex
While some people may think that without penetration there’s no such thing as “sex”, we have some news for them…non-penetrative sex exists and it’s as good as (and sometimes better than) the penetrative version of it.
Friday Five: BDSM Dictionary
Keep reading for 5 kink vocab/terminology that you might not know—even if you’ve explored kinks.
Why we write:
My Sexual Biography is committed to sharing voices from as many people, places, perspectives and experiences as possible. We believe the only way to change the conversation around sex and sexuality is to start the conversation.
Interested in writing for us? Please send your resume, portfolio/writing sample and story pitch to
— Amanda Fisher-Katz-Keohane, C.O.O.